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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - crisp


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Перевод с английского языка crisp на русский

1) хрупкий, ломкий

охрупчивать(ся); делать(ся) хрупким или ломким 2) текст. ворсить

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См. в других словарях

  1. хрустящий картофель; хрустящая корочка 2. разг. банкнота или банкноты 3. хрустящий; рассыпчатый crisp toast —- хрустящий гренок crisp biscuit —- рассыпчатое печенье 4. свежий, не вялый, твердый crisp lettuce —- свежий салат crisp apple —- сочное и твердое яблоко crisp banknote —- новенькая, хрустящая банкнота 5. бодрящий, свежий the crisp air of an autumn morning —- свежий воздух осеннего утра 6. живой, блестящий crisp repartee —- блестящее остроумие 7. решительный what he said was crisp and decided —- его высказывание было решительным и определенным 8. резко очерченный crisp outlines —- четкие контуры 9. курчавый, кудрявый 10. покрытый рябью 11. делать хрустящим, придавать рассыпчатость; хрустеть to crisp one's fingers —- хрустеть пальцами 12. завивать; завиваться 13. рябить, покрывать рябью a cooling breeze crisps the river —- прохладный ветерок рябит реку 14. покрываться рябью 15. текст. ворсить ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) рассыпчатый, хрустящий  2) твердый, жесткий  3) свежий, бодрящий, живительный (о воздухе)  4) ясно очерченный, четкий (о чертах лица)  5) живой (о стиле и т.п.)  6) решительный (об ответе, нраве)  7) кудрявый, завитой  8) покрытый рябью Syn: see dry  2. v.  1) хрустеть  2) делать свежим, освежать (хлеб и т.п.)  3) завивать(ся)  4) покрываться рябью  5) text. ворсить  3. noun  1) хрустящий картофель  2) хрустящая корочка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 hard but brittle. 2 a (of air) bracing. b (of a style or manner) lively, brisk and decisive. c (of features etc.) neat and clear-cut. d (of paper) stiff and crackling. e (of hair) closely curling. --n. 1 (in full potato crisp) Brit. a thin fried slice of potato sold in packets etc. and eaten as a snack or appetizer. 2 a thing overdone in roasting etc. (burnt to a crisp). --v.tr. & intr. 1 make or become crisp. 2 curl in short stiff folds or waves. Derivatives crisply adv. crispness n. Etymology: OE f. L crispus curled ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin ~us; akin to Welsh crych curly  Date: before 12th century  1. curly, wavy; also having close stiff or wiry curls or waves  2.  a. easily crumbled ; brittle a ~ cracker  b. desirably firm and crunchy ~ lettuce  3.  a. notably sharp, clean-cut, and clear a ~ illustration; also concise and to the point a ~ reply  b. noticeably neat ~ new clothes  c. brisk, lively a ~ tale of intrigue ~ musical tempi  d. briskly cold ~ winter weather; also fresh, invigorating ~ autumn air a ~ white wine  e. deftly and powerfully executed a ~ tennis serve  Synonyms: see fragile  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. curl, crimp  2. to cause to ripple ; wrinkle  3. to make or keep ~  intransitive verb  1. curl  2. ripple  3. to become ~  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something ~ or brittle burned to a ~ rye ~s  b. chiefly British potato chip — usually used in plural  2. a baked dessert of fruit with crumb topping apple ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (crisper, crispest, crisps, crisping, crisped) 1. Food that is crisp is pleasantly hard, or has a pleasantly hard surface. Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they’re nice and crisp. ...crisp bacon. ...crisp lettuce. ? soggy ADJ c darkgreen]approval • crispness The pizza base retains its crispness without becoming brittle. N-UNCOUNT • crisply ...crisply fried onion rings. ADV 2. If food crisps or if you crisp it, it becomes pleasantly hard, for example because you have heated it at a high temperature. Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp... Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven. VERB: V, V n 3. Crisps are very thin slices of fried potato that are eaten cold as a snack. (BRIT; in AM, use chips or potato chips) ...a packet of crisps. ...cheese and onion potato crisps. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. Weather that is pleasantly fresh, cold, and dry can be described as crisp. ...a crisp autumn day. ADJ c darkgreen]approval 5. Crisp cloth or paper is clean and has no creases in it. I slipped between the crisp clean sheets. ...crisp banknotes. ADJ: usu ADJ n • crisply ...his crisply pressed suit. ADV ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n BrE a very thin, flat round piece of potato cooked in oil and eaten cold; chip1 (3b) AmE  (- see also burn sth to a crisp burn1 (4)) ~2 adj 1 pleasantly dry, hard, and easily broken  (crisp bacon | His feet broke through the crisp outer layer of snow.) 2 a fruit, vegetable, or plant that is crisp is firm and fresh  (a crisp apple | a crisp salad) 3 paper or cloth that is crisp is fresh, clean, and new  (a crisp, new five dollar bill) 4 weather that is crisp is cold and dry  (a crisp winter day) 5 someone's behaviour or manner that is crisp is quick, confident, and shows no doubts or slowness; brisk (1) brisk (2)  (The general's voice was crisp and clear as he addressed the meeting.) - crisply adv - crispness n ~3 v to make something become crisp, especially by cooking or heating it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects mil. abbr. CRIS Plan univ. abbr. Community Responding To International Student Programs network. abbr. Chartercross Registry Information Service Protocol network. abbr. Cross Registry Information Service Protocol network. abbr. Caching And Replication For Internet Service Performance gen. bus. abbr. Complete Repeatable Informative Schedulable And Portable account. abbr. Computer Retrieval Of Information Of Scientific Projects ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: BURN TO A CRISP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. crisp "curly," from L. crispus "curled." It began to mean "brittle" 1530, for obscure reasons. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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